Open and effective communication is one of the invaluable tools your PS-12 private school can use to ensure your families, students, and staff feel more connected. Communicating with your community goes beyond just informing parents; it’s about creating a bridge, encouraging cooperation, and, in the end, making sure students and families know your school is there for them.  

Here are the advantages to powering communication in your K-12 private school:  

1. Building Confidence and Understanding 

Families invest their trust in private schools when they choose them for their children. They have faith in you and put their child’s future in your care, entrusting you with their academic and personal achievements. When your staff and administration communicate on a regular basis with families, they feel more confident in your school’s care for their children.  

2. Improves the Family, Student and Staff Experience

Private schools that offer families communication options including updating their contact information easily, and being able to access messages across different channels, help improve the family experience. Having consistent and timely communications including school policies, teacher lesson plans, and student progress improve the family experience.  

3. Helps Drive Student Academic Success

Private school teachers are the center of success in the classroom. Working with families to gain assistance outside of the school day is part of building communication bridges between parents and teachers. If they are struggling academically, early detection of problems and remedies to help the student can help with academic recovery. Teachers and families can collaborate to find unique solutions when they are able to communicate easily regarding students’ academic issues or even a student’s emotional health Collaboration ensures timely intervention and a unified front in favor of the student’s success. 

4. Promoting a Positive School Environment: Parents as Partners

Private schools and families benefit from a positive school environment. Active participation from families in the school’s culture is fostered through good communication, which goes beyond the mere transmission of information. When parents are supported and made to feel welcome, they are more likely to speak highly about the school, which boosts morale and cooperation among students. It also helps retention efforts for schools.  

5. Ensuring Safety and Appropriate Messaging in Case of Emergencies

Student safety is vital in schools and schools need to have an expedient and effective way to send emergency messaging no matter what the event. Parents and schools must stay connected in any school emergency. Schools can count on having an accessible, secure communication tool for use during emergencies.  

With the right solution, schools can establish a variety of channels for communication to meet the needs of parents and guardians. These channels include frequent email updates, user-friendly parent portals, and being able to send messages and alerts from a centralized communication platform.   

Investing in communication goes beyond simply informing families; it also involves developing trust, encouraging collaboration, and making the school a very supportive place for learning. Maintaining honest channels of communication with parents, students, and faculty is essential for private schools to deliver on their mission of offering an education that changes lives. 

To see how educate can boost your communication strategies, click here.