Student Information System

TADS Educate

Looking to login to Educate? Educate SIS is now part of the TADS Suite, and logins can be accessed through through the “Logins” button at the top right of the screen on desktop, or at the bottom of the mobile menu. Alternatively, click the button to log in!

Where can I login to Educate SIS?

Logins for Educate are still at the same location, We recommend bookmarking this link for further use!

How do I get support for Educate SIS?

To get support through our normal business hours, please reach out to:

Current Families and Schools:

Where can I learn more about Educate SIS?

Please learn more on our Student Information System page, or request a demo to see how Educate and the TADS Suite can help your school!

Where can I learn more about the TADS Suite?

From admission, enrollment, financial aid, tuition, billing and student information management, TADS can help your school adapt to today’s changing environment. Watch our TADS in Action series to learn more! Alternatively, click the following links to learn about the other parts of the TADS suite:

Have more questions?

The TADS School Support team is here to help!