Admissions & Enrollment
Frequently Asked Questions
We have multiple fees associated with both admissions and enrollment, how are these collected?
All fees are itemized (not lumped into one) and can be collected by TADS through credit card, electronic check processing or by paper check. TADS collects and remits fees to the school or organization. Fees collected onsite can be entered into TADS online system for accounting purposes.
What admissions documents can TADS collect?
TADS can collect any documentation. Schools only need to upload a pdf, set some attributes such as grade, required status, etc., and we’ll pre-fill, barcode, distribute, collect and even follow up with families for missing documents.
How are documents distributed to families or applicants?
When applicants download forms, TADS pre-fills known information for each student and requirement, making filling in remaining information a breeze. We also add a unique bar code to each page so documents are placed in correct requirements. Have confidential forms such as paper recommendations that were filled out and uploaded by references, teachers or others? These documents are available only to school administrators for viewing.
How does TADS collect documents?
TADS allows an applicant to submit documents securely online, by postal mail or fax. We digitize received paper documents and make them available online for administrative viewing. TADS also allows administrators to upload documents on behalf of a family in case documents are dropped off at the school.
How do I access documents on file?
From your user interface, under each applicant you can view their specific document uploads, or from reports, view documents submitted by all applicants.
How soon after an application is submitted can I see the results?
The results are available immediately for you to view.
How long does it take to create the final report?
You can create a summary report at any time. Final reports are available once you indicate your applicants are finished.
How do parents and administrators contact TADS for support?
Our friendly and knowledgeable in-house staff is available via telephone, online chat or email Monday-Friday, 7:00am to 8:00pm Central Time and seasonally (Jan-April), Saturday from 9:00am to 4:00pm and Sunday 10:00am to 4:00pm.
How quickly can the system be ready for the school and families?
Typically, because of questions and content, an admissions or enrollment environment takes around three weeks of consultation with a TADS implementation specialist. However, if on a tight deadline, TADS may be able to accelerate this timeline.
Do I need to install software at my school to use the TADS service?
All TADS software is web-based, meaning there is no required hardware, software or expensive personnel required to successfully use the service.