All the latest in Admission Enrollment

We Support Discover Catholic Schools Week 

We Support Discover Catholic Schools Week 

We’re proud of the many Catholic schools we support with TADS. We wanted to highlight Discover Schools Catholic Week which is designated to help schools connect with prospective families, donors, educators and other community members.  We also wanted to provide useful...
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From Admissions to Financial Aid: Improve Workflows With the TADS Suite

From Admissions to Financial Aid: Improve Workflows With the TADS Suite

In the era of digital transformation, schools are constantly challenged to adapt to the ever-changing educational landscape. The TADS Suite by Community Brands offers a comprehensive solution to address the evolving needs of private K-12 schools.   By leveraging a...
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Enhancing the Catholic School Admission and Enrollment Journey

Enhancing the Catholic School Admission and Enrollment Journey

Starting the admission and enrollment process is an exciting time for families. After weeks (or months!) of carefully researching and inquiring about schools in your area, they have chosen to apply to your school!   As a school, you want to maintain that high morale...
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